John Ruetten Now

John Ruetten’s life took a tragic turn on February 24, 1986, when he returned home from work and discovered his wife, Sherri Rasmussen, lifeless on the living room floor. Initially, the case was investigated as a botched burglary, but it resurfaced 23 years later, revealing the true culprit: John’s former girlfriend, Stephanie Lazarus. 

The story is explored in ID’s “People Magazine Investigates: Once Bitten.” Here is a comprehensive overview of John Ruetten’s life and the events surrounding the case:

John Ruetten was a mechanical engineering student at UCLA. During his undergraduate years and beyond, he had an on-and-off relationship with Stephanie Lazarus, majoring in political science. 

Although their relationship was not profoundly committed from John’s perspective, Stephanie was taken aback when she learned that John was dating Sherri, a nursing administrator, whom he eventually married. 

Stephanie, who pursued a career in the LAPD after graduation, revealed her love for John after he became engaged to Sherri. It is reported that they engaged in a sexual encounter for Stephanie to find closure. In later interviews, John regretted this decision, acknowledging it as foolish.

Stephanie’s jealousy and disappointment led her to intrude into John and Sherri’s life. On two separate occasions, she visited their home uninvited, once asking John to wax her skis and another time in her police uniform. 

Sherri, feeling uncomfortable about Stephanie’s presence, urged John to confront her, but John did not take her impositions seriously and advised Sherri to ignore her. Stephanie even took the extreme step of visiting Sherri’s workplace and threateningly stated: “If I can’t have John, no one else will.” Sherri confided in her parents about these troubling encounters with Stephanie, and they came to suspect Stephanie as the prime suspect in their daughter’s brutal murder.

The tragic and untimely death of 29-year-old Sherri Rasmussen occurred on February 24, 1986. Stephanie attacked Sherri, who had called in sick from work. She shot Sherri three times using her off-duty firearm and inflicted a bite mark on her arm. 

A maid near the Ruetten residence recalled hearing arguments but did not hear gunshots, which was later attributed to Stephanie muffling the sound using a blanket. 

Initially, investigators classified the case as a failed burglary, as another burglary did occur two days after the murder. Notably, nothing was stolen except for Sherri’s BMW and the marriage license of John and Sherri. These circumstances cast doubt on the burglary theory.

The case remained unsolved until 2009, when advancements in DNA analysis allowed authorities to match the bite mark to Stephanie’s DNA sample. During this time, Stephanie had built a successful career within the LAPD, rising through the ranks to oversee art-related theft cases. She maintained a clean record aside from the murder felony.

In a turn of events, Stephanie was summoned to a police headquarters under false pretences and subjected to interrogation. This was a procedural step as the authorities had accumulated sufficient evidence to accuse her of the crime. In March 2012, Stephanie Lazarus was convicted of first-degree murder in the case of Sherri Rasmussen.

Who is John Ruetten married to now?

In 1986, John Ruetten, Sherri Rasmussen’s husband, could not have anticipated the devastating turn of events that would unfold. On February 24, 1986, as he returned home from his workplace, Ruetten eagerly anticipated reuniting with his beloved wife, who had called in sick that day and remained home. However, upon entering their home, he was met with a heart-wrenching discovery that would forever change his life: the lifeless body of his wife lying on the living room floor.

The brutal murder of Sherri Rasmussen has remained a haunting and enduring story that continues to be discussed and remembered. NBC’s Dateline will delve into the chilling details of Rasmussen’s murder and the subsequent conviction of Stephanie Lazarus, who was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. The episode is set to air on Saturday, May 28, shedding light on the tragic events and the pursuit of justice that followed.

Where is John Ruetten Now?

Near the Ruetten residence, a maid reported hearing heated arguments but did not detect any gunshots. Later revelations would unveil that Stephanie had used a blanket to muffle the sound of her firearm, explaining why the gunshots went unheard. Initially, investigators leaned towards the theory of a burglary gone awry, given that a separate burglary did occur just two days after the murder. However, this theory became increasingly questionable as it came to light that nothing of value had been stolen except for Sherri’s BMW and the marriage license of John and Sherri.

Despite the lack of substantial progress in the case, a breakthrough came in 2009 when a new DNA technique successfully matched the bite mark on the victim to Stephanie Lazarus’s DNA sample.

During this period, Stephanie Lazarus had established a successful career within the police force, steadily advancing to a higher-level detective role, eventually overseeing investigations related to art thefts. Her record remained spotless, save for the looming murder felony.

In a pivotal turn of events, Stephanie was summoned to a police headquarters under the pretext of routine proceedings. However, it was evident that authorities had amassed sufficient evidence to implicate her in the crime. In March 2012, Stephanie Lazarus was convicted of first-degree murder in the case of Sherri Rasmussen, marking the culmination of a long and complex investigation.

Stephanie Lazarus received a prison sentence of 27 years to life at the California Institution for Women in Corona as a consequence of her conviction. Surprisingly, John Ruetten, Sherri Rasmussen’s husband, had never considered Stephanie as a suspect in the murder case. 

He had maintained contact with Stephanie even after the tragic murder. Following Sherri’s death and his departure from Los Angeles, John reunited with Stephanie, and the two engaged in a sexual encounter once more.

During the trial, photographs from John and Sherri’s wedding were presented in court for John to identify. Stephanie, noticeably, did not make eye contact during this period. 

John became emotional during his testimony, shedding tears as he spoke about Sherri and shared heartfelt sentiments about his relationship with Stephanie. He expressed a profound sense of guilt that someone he knew had played a role in Sherri’s tragic death. He also offered apologies to the Rasmussen family for the loss they endured.

Subsequent to the death of his first wife, John Ruetten went on to remarry, marking a new chapter in his life.






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